Showcase Video Production

In a fraction of the time and cost.


Showcase videos help you turn views into sales faster than flat images.
We have many styles and formats to choose from

Whatever your target market we have a video to reach them on social media, email, and websites.  Don't forget about our quality Website services as well.

We go where your customers are

Facebook, X, Instagram, Pintrest, Youtube, Vimeo.   Our website services can can include CDN (Content Delivery Network) support for fast media delivery.

Use your own content

We can take your high quality images and build a professional video with powerful content that addresses your customers pain points.  Our videos will speak to your clients.

How it works


Determine your objectives and materials

List your key objectives, such as attract new clients, focus more attention on a product, post more content to social media, explain information visually, reach new markets.
Get images to use within the video.  They need to be in digital format and high quality.  We recommend 1920 x 1080 pixels or full HD.  Using a 144 or 300 PPI resolution will provide clear wide screen images for best motion effects.


Contact us with your needs

Once you have the materials together, your concept and ideas, we can build you a set of proposal concepts to put into a video production.  

We also have template ideas for rapid solutions development.  These include Car / Boat sales, Resell / Pawn shops, Real Estate sales, as well as standard business services showcasing. 


Review and Approve

We will provide you access to view a watermarked version of the video that you can review and approve.  Upon completion of the video a clean version will be generated and delivered. 

Ask about our social media publishing service, to handle repeated scheduled publishing of content from our team or yours.