Office Automation

Take your time consuming manual processes, lists, sheets and other manual tools and automate them.  Put your business online, to allow you to grow without needing more staff, more training, or drastically changing your business processes.   
We can review your processes, streamline, and automate.  Taking your systems and integrating them to easily operated flows that help save time instead of costing you more.

Full-Stack Development

Take Spreadsheets and automate them into workflows without changing your physical workflow.   Some tool, such as SalesForce cost ten's of thousands of dollars to purchase, only to require more costly customization, and lengthy training.  You end up locked into the vendor with no way out.
We can start you out, automating parts to integrate with your current concepts, and let you grow your automation.    Allowing you to grow as your business needs, not requiring a full overhaul that can derail you business.

Business Automation

that doesn't change how you do business
We will review your current business workflows for Free

We have worked with large named businesses taking their workflows and turning them into automated processes.  We have also worked with many startups and small businesses to define ways to automate and improve their processes.  We will document a set of solutions and strategies to address your needs, for FREE!

Our solutions come with a manual, not handcuffs.

Many software firms want to lock you in with proprietary solutions that require a full business overhaul.  They force your small business into a solution meant for large companies.  You wouldn't buy an XXL suite for a teen and try and make it fit.  We right size your needs.  Get what you want when you want.

Fast solutions that don't slow you down.

We use industry proven solutions, using standard tools that many developers know and love.   We provide ongoing support and ability to update your solution in stages.   However, if you already have staff, we are happy to train them to take over and expand, update, or modify them to meet your needs later on.